Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Recuperation

May 2, 2014
     Well, here I am…better late than never, no? When I got back from the international leg of The Quest I swore this wouldn’t happen…the laps between posts. And I believe I’ve even said this very thing before, but so much time has passed how could I even know? Though The Quest is tireless and treks on, documented or not, the human tends to have it’s short-comings. Of course, there isn’t anyone to blame my neglect on but myself, however, I choose to play just about any game that isn’t the blame game, sooo…J I acknowledge my deficit in, and of, words and instead of judging (as I may have been doing), I am deciding to use this to unveil my next discover…the importance of recuperation.
     R&R (which I’ve just recently realized stands for Rest and Relaxation…one of those things I think I knew but forgot I knew…you know?), I am learning, is more than just lazy time to unwind, but, in fact, imperative to well being. To physical, mental, emotional, and over-all all-around health! It is a NECESSITY that we tend to sweep under the rug in fear of being unproductive. I keep thinking it’s an American epidemic, but considering the vast impact we have on the world I am almost positive that the “over-worked-and-under-paid-ed-ness” has spread trans-oceandically! (I hope you liked that last sentence because it’s A LOT of “creativity,” and flowery, made-up words…I’m baaaack! ;)) It all falls under the umbrella of the American Dream, (wo)man works hard to provide, (wo)man works hard to succeed, (wo)man works hard for stability and material possession, and “happiness.” Note: (wo)man tirelessly slaves from cradle to grave never once realizing that material possessions don’t cross the pearly gates with you, and that that happiness isn’t so much happiness as it is exhaustion with a minor materialistic pay-off!
     We are trained and raised to work under the (sometimes) false pretense that “the harder you work the more you get,” easily forgetting that “good work is often rewarded with more work.” We slave and never take a moment to smell the flowers, notice the light through the tree leaves, fully grasp the phenomena of the weather, or the changing of the seasons…we almost forget to breathe. And yes, noticing those things are grand and (to me) make life worth living, but what we fail to realize is that those moments of calm are crucial to our development, our healing, and ultimately our lives…

May 9, 14
     Yes…I got wrapped up in work and the desperate attempt to secure more work and neglected the EXACT message I was trying to convey…funny how things work. Goes to show, IT TAKES PRACTICE to be the person you want to be!!!
     ANWAY, what I was saying is that it is important to work. “These bills don’t pay themselves” I find myself saying often, however our kidneys, liver, and pancreas also need the time and rest to do what they were developed to do. So I implore us all (yes, I’m included in (and am victim to) this self-enslavement), to take as many moments as we can to shut down. Let the brain unconsciously focus on healing and regeneration as opposed to the array of lists that cloud our minds of ALL the things to do and their respective due dates. Close your eyes, Breathe, Feel the warm sun or the sensation of a cold breeze on your skin…take a few minutes to simply BE and notice how much more effective you can be once you’ve given yourself the opportunity to recuperate!
     And now it is time for me to post, shower, and shave after my (unbathed) day of recuperation! Aahhh, the pay-offs are pouring in…Me Happy! J

‘Till the next time…
