Could it be better to put all of ones eggs in one basket???
Then, at least, a choice has been made. The sooner we know something doesn’t
work, the sooner we can move on…
It’s been said that one shouldn’t put all of one’s eggs in
one basket, however, what happens when there are too many baskets? It is also
said that the detriment of our generation lies in our abundance of options,
leaving us with remorseful purchases, a career lacking luster, and minute
relationships that seem to fizzle for no apparent reason. Is it the fast pace
of New York City? Could it be that more options = better choices? Or does it
have to do with Generation X, Y, Z, or W/E’s inability to commit to ANYTHING
out of fear…of commitment?
“There’s gotta be something better than this” isn’t just the
mantra of 3 dancehall hostesses, down on their luck in the musical Sweet
Charity…it has now become the slogan of a people that “aren’t quite sure” so
they’re “keeping their options open,” and can’t seem to be satisfied by anything
because they are continuously in search of “the next best thing.” In a world
where we can change our cell phones several times a year, a world where the
computers we were taught on have evolved and the TVs we used to know are now
obsolete. It is an ever changing (and rapidly so) world that we live it, which
is “cute” but what does that mean to us? To our well-being? To the way we view
and appreciate life???
It is good to want, to stay driven, to move forward…but at
what cost? Not to settle for less, but to smell flowers, count blessings, appreciate
where we are and what we have. I feel that this could lead to happier people
treating others better, and heck, who knows, maybe 2nd OKcupid
dates. Lets not to cower away from making decisions or giving chances. THIS
keeps us stagnant or moving in unclear directions…make a choice, follow
through, COMMIT, and if it doesn’t work the way you’d like, then lucky you, you
get an opportunity to make another choice, so long as you’ve given it a fair
Let’s remember that in a world of marvelously endless
possibilities, the first step must be made before the 3rd, 4th,
or 5th and when we get to step #5…let’s not forget how impressive it
is that we’ve experienced and made it past 1-4.
The little wins in life are wins none the less!