Sitting home with my coffee, in silence. The sounds of a few
birds and construction vehicles pour in through the windows with the warm light
and chilled air. It is fall in New York (Jersey) City, and as the leaves start
to turn and die, love starts to flourish and strive. This perspective is
fascinating because at first glance I am far from this love…”This Love.”
However, I am filled with love and void of grievance! Sure, the occasional
cuddled movie night and cold morning warmed by hot bodies will be missed, but
what I will not miss is the fact that I love. From the way I say “Bye Ma”, out
loud, to my mother’s voicemails, to the way I lost my breath and missed a step
when I heard my brother had an “episode” onboard an aircraft before lift off.
From the terrifying way I should be reading a script right now, and how I have
no idea what’s about to happen but I’m so thrilled, so proud, so excited and
scared and can’t wait. From the tears that accumulated but were suppressed on
the train while reading about a certain little boy who is “emerging out of autism.”
And from, what I will call, “The Day Love” that I’ve just had.
The Day Love can be a fling, or a romance however short or long; physical, intellectual or emotional. They come and they go, and you hope to
stay in touch, and maybe you do, but ultimately they are elsewhere…and they are
gifts! This particular Day Love has traveled “from far and wide” only to land at
L’Express on 20th and Park for a late night steak and a glass of
wine. This Day Love, though probably ignorant to the fact, has become an
inspiration. A muse. A reason to try, to write, to work, to love…This Day Love,
in no time at all, through purity and honesty and truth has reminded me that
there is love. Somewhere and around, the possibilities are still there for
love, and furthermore that I Love.
A Gift
I use these words to remind you that there is love…and that I
am not the only one who IS Love…YOU are also love! If a romantic relationship
is what you seek, I hope you find what you are looking for. Romantic love can
be so sweet, however it’s sweetness is not to bitter the senses to a Motherly
Love, or a Compassionate Love. A Love for plants, and pets, and antique
doorknobs or the color Cerulean. The love of fulfilling career-shifting work,
or the Love Of Self! We are all Love. A collective sharing of love…Be a Gift!